The Human Being is



It is almost Christmas. For me a moment to be with all there is and than the thought came to me that the human being was not meant to be limited.


Humans were given the choice of Free Will.

In the beginning, we were presented with the “Tree of Knowledge”. We chose to partake of that tree, and this became the first out of many acts of Free Will. Man chose knowledge, but lost Ancient Wisdom. When we realised this, we felt - and thereby created- shame. Thus the domino effect of shame and blame began. From shame came guilt. Guilt preached fear and fear then separated us in consciousness from the Creator. This is the beginning of the Human Species, because we chose to experience ourselves as personalities and egos through form and matter in our physical bodies. Man forgot his connection to the unlimited Divine Source and ageless wisdom.

In each and every moment of every day, we face challenges, and we make choices. Do we face our challenges with doubt and fear? Do we choose to believe that we are alone and limited? Or do we face each moment with faith and love? It is a choice. If we choose to live consciously from our souls, it is the choice of faith and love. I realised how much of life is lived behind veils of illusion. When I chose to respond to the cry of my own soul, I did so with faith that all would eventually work out. I chose to start living consciously and to break through as many veils of illusion as possible. To relive these unconscious feelings and patterns on a conscious level was painful and confusing, but it brought me freedom from those very patterns. The only way out was through them, this time through conscious awareness.


Enjoy reading, have a nice X-mas and a Happy New Year.



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