I love you

by: Marcella de Klerk


At present it is almost Christmas and a moment to reflect, on your life. To make a journey within yourself and to feel the love for yourself and others.

Am I going to write Christmas cards? Every year I feel a slight resentment to do so, because it takes a lot of time.  Finally I decided to sit down and focus on the people I wanted to write to, especially those friends who live far away or the friends and relatives you do not see often.
You can send general Christmas wishes, through whatapp, email, or other social media, but to really sit down for someone, and to tune in on the other person is different.

While I sit here, I feel so much love for the people around me.
I’m a lucky woman. I have so many dear friendships that are so fulfilling. Why not say how much I love them?
The word love is, at least in the Netherlands, not something you just say to someone.
Youngsters on the other hand say it all day. "I love you" is on every birthday, app or email. It actually means "I like you", I think. The words “I love you”, are decreasing that way.

When I say "I love you"  I really mean it with all my heart and all my soul. If you are completely open to one another, you will see how beautiful a person is. That person is not a stranger anymore, but a friend.
We say these important words, I LOVE YOU, far too little to one another, so that's why I want to pay attention to these words in this article.

We Dutch people have a Calvinist origin. You do not speak about your feelings to strangers, or share your inner feelings with friends or acquaintances . When we ask somebody;” How are you?”, we answer in general: ” I’m fine”, even when life sucks or we have a lot of problems. In Holland we have an expression: “Don’t hang your dirty laundry outside”, which means, don’t tell about your problems. You never know, people might use it against you.
Such a shame I think. If you open up to the other you get a whole different link with someone. For example, you do not talk the entire evening about other people or about superficial things, but about what you truly feel or experience in this moment of time. If you open up to the other, that person might do the same.
I recently had a dinner party with dear friends. It was very enjoyable, but at one point I asked, "How are you doing? And how is life treating you"? Everyone at the table realized by sheer amazement that we had not yet talked about ourselves…not even for a second!  I brought some cards (like the Path of the Soul, destination cards), and while everybody drew a card, we truly connected with one another. It was such a beautiful evening, so fulfilling and so dear and loving.
And so simple actually!

Everyone needs to share, to be seen, to stand in the light. How nice life would be if we could allow the "light" within us. Truly taking time for each other, consciously living your life, to enjoy the small things around you. To find peace within yourself. Just say to someone, I love you! What a dear friend you are, or I am so glad that you came into my life” and so on. You'll encounter emotion and vulnerability, but it feels so good !!
The first step starts with you. Don’t get fooled by all the chaos around you. Make contact with your own source, your own soul. There you can stay loyal to who you really are.
We have learned to be thinking beings, to use our intelligence and to put on our mask. Why not tear that mask off and dare to be yourself in all your vulnerability.

One month ago I gave a workshop for young people between the age of 17 to 21 years. These youngsters are following a gap year. It was a large group of 30, both girls and boys. The theme was: "Who am I". The theme was chosen by one of the youths who had asked me for this workshop.
During the whole afternoon we “travelled” to an uncharted territory, namely the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the cognitive part, there is the past, the future, fear and uncertainty.
- Doubt: “Shall I do this or shall I do that? Requesting confirmation from others.
- Fear: not belonging to the group. Previously acquired energy blocks which have ensured you could not be your radiant self, a person full of strength, love and power, full of creativity and full of love for yourself and others, able and willing to share because you live in abundance. 

The right brain is where you talk to your soul, your inner source, which possesses infinite wisdom and loves you very much. There you are in the moment, in the now, as you experience peace, space, light, strength and creativity. If you can make contact with this area, then you can say very easily to the other, I love you, because you experience so much love that you are flooded and then you have enough love, not only for yourself but for the whole world. Not only for humanity, but you are also so much more aware of the earth on which you live. You can easily share,  you no longer need all kinds of stuff to be happy.

In a playful manner we made contact with that area, that afternoon. Reactions afterwards; “What an incredibly feeling, I feel so light, so calm and happy. I feel I've made a step further on my path. I am so grateful for this wonderful afternoon.”
Why don’t we do this from time to time? It is so simple and so valuable. To live in the here and now in this society is so necessary when there is so much confusion and pain. Not only externally but also internally, within yourself. Free yourself from all that weight.

Well it might sound as if I am always and forever balanced and live in light and love, but of course I also have moments when I am not in balance and feel angry, sad or irritated. I am only human.

I have only experienced how to get the most of myself and stay balanced and strong by following my thruth path, protecting my own space and realising I can be true to the desires of my heart, because I feel that it is good for me and for the world.
So, let us all be aware and embrace the New Year. I wish you all a very happy loving, wise, beautiful and prosperous 2016.
If you are in a transition and no longer know which way to "go", mail me and wholeheartedly I will guide you in a loving way. I hope to meet you. Do it right!


Nb. Marcella de Klerk is a transformation coach, healer and reader. Mission: To guide you on your journey to your authentic self.



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I love you

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