
by: Monique van Dijk

A year and a half ago I started to create a drum circle. When the moon is full I had the need to connect with her through my drum.  Also with Mother Earth and my Indigenous ancestors. I took part in many ceremonies during my visits to the Indigenous peoples. I reacted differently to each ceremony: sometimes emotional, sometimes my body vibrated, sometimes I was in trance. I then became an open channel through which information was passed to me. 


I sent an email out to people around me to see whether there was interest in setting up a drum circle together. There was definitely some interest. Ten women applied. We often use sage to clean the space and ourselves. The smell of sage makes us feel calm. Then we take a moment to land and connect and we call for our ancestors from the four wind directions to assist us in the drum session. Sometimes we have a theme; and sometimes we just start drumming. It is wonderful to see what we can co-create at that moment. Each session lasts 20 minutes. At our last full moon circle we once more connected with North Dakota and the Indigenous peoples and their concerns about the pipeline which is being built in one of the largest rivers on earth: the Missouri.   It was wonderful how we hit the drums and sang; how we were one and how all of us imagined being in the Black Hills; how we supported the animals and the Indigenous peoples  Of course this all has an impact. Drumming also has a healing effect on ourselves. For example: To neutralize negative feelings and to open our hearts so that the frequency of love can flow and spread.


I have two drums, one on the heart frequency made of reindeer from Sami land and one on the first chakra frequency, made of buffalo from Colorado. I use them alternately depending on the feelings I get during the full moon. When I drum, I feel the circle of the Indigenous Grandmothers and Grandfathers with whom I'm connected, around me. I feel their presence even when I travel and  drum on power places as recently in Mongolia. A girlfriend and I went on horseback through Mongolia and hit the drums in different places. The spirits showed themselves to thank us.

The church once forbid the drumming and tried to burn all the drums and built churches on power spots where Indigenous people held their ceremonies. Fortunately, the good things always remain and are transmitted.


Last I drummed for my demented father and began to sing with my raspy voice. My father was quiet and had tears in his eyes. Would he remember what home sounds like when he will return soon?

During the full moon circle in November I connected not only with the Black Hills but also with the mother of my friend who was almost dying. The next day we were going to visit her and I had the drum with me. However, she had already gone. Would she have felt the drum during the Full moon session?


The drum is the sound of the source that we all know but do not recognize. When we know our inner feelings and listen to them we will recognize the sound of the drum.

De ring van de Liefde

De ring van de Liefde

de maoris 1
De ring van de Liefde

Drumcircle and Full Moon

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