The greatest challenge in my life is to be completely vulnerable, grounded and authentic. And to be so before a wide range of people.
When I look back at my life, I’ve noticed that there has been a pattern to my actions and choices. What have I done and why?
I’ve had an inner counselor who gave me a sign when it was time for a new change or challenge. I did not pay much attention at this at the time. Now I see the pattern. A transformation from a shy teenage girl to a confident woman in advertising. The world of external communication. To stand up for yourself and to sell a story. This from the relative safety net of a company.
When I called clients, I spoke on behalf of that well known advertising agency and people tended to take me seriously because that agency stood behind me.
A few years later I worked in the television industry and was responsible for sales and presentations on a greater scale.
Years later, when I started my own company, I realised my own vulnerability. No mask to hide behind. That was really scary, but on the other hand I was still within my comfort zone, working with people that knew me from the advertising and television industry. In that period of time I realized that there existed a great, deep-seated need in me to take a different path.
The way to my inner self! The way to “who am I?” “What is my mission in life?” People around me, friends, family, didn’t know anymore how to lable me. What is she doing? She had a perfect job and a good salary, is she throwing it all away? For what? The unknown?
Still I remained loyal to myself, to my inner counselor and to my soul. I felt that this path was really necessary.
It was time to get to know myself, to go through a major transformation and then guide others on this path.
So that's what I’ve been doing for the last ten years with a lot of enthusiasm and love.
I started with years of education to learn how to guide people on a soul level. During that time I noticed and experienced my own blockages in my “energy” body. It was, at times a strenuous, but very valuable, liberating journey. Now I’ve come to the realization that merely coaching clients is insufficient and not the solution to all their problems.
One of my main themes was the fear to live freely without inhibitions.
I’ve always had a big admiration for people that could express themselves through singing, acting, music or dance as I was never comfortable with this sort of self-expression.
The biggest gift I could give myself was being liberated from all these inhibitions and blockages. To live unconditionally!
I feel fulfilled when I am engaged in counseling people on their path of life. At the moment I give weekly meditation sessions for women. To give them the opportunity to have insights in to their way of living. The most important part of my work consists of one-on-one sessions in which I travel with clients to their inner self. To go to a deeper level within yourself to find answers to why you’re not happy or why you’re stuck in a rut.
Why are you experiencing a void within yourself while you seemingly appear to have everything already? A beautiful family, a good job, a nice house.. Perhaps it’s your soul calling.
It is so wonderful to see and experience how inner issues can be healed and solved.
After a session with a client of mine she told me that her daughter found her so beautiful and so changed. Her daughter had felt that her mother had “opened” herself. It is important as a parent to work on yourself.
The painting on this page was made by a client of mine during a session in which we concentrated on her heart chakra. This powerful image is the result. She painted it strikingly good.
What I like to give to everybody is to be able to live unconditionally.
This quote comes from the book “The Kundalini of the earth after 2012” has put it so nicely.
“The secret is unconditional love, that will manifest through people on earth who will change life for ever. Most of these people will be children or young adults who found their way to their hearts. The women will understand the children and follow their way to their hearts. That’s the way to bring this new way of living into the world. Eventually the men will be inspired to follow and they will make the transition to close the old cycle of life.
The dreams or images that come from the hearts of these children will be the force that actually bring about changes. The children and the women will be the first to create and change the world from within.”
Do you understand how important it is to let go of all these old illusions in your life? To feel and live from the heart? To see your child unconditionally and to really understand. They are so much more in tune. A friend of mine wrote a beautiful book about the perceptions of the children of the present time. It is called “Anders”(different). A book about the lives of the new generation of children between the ages of 5 and 25 years.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with lots of warmth, good health, inspiration and wisdom.
Marcella de Klerk is a spiritual counsellor and guides primarily women and young adults on a soul level.