by: Agnes van de Beek
Last month I received the message that I and also a friend of mine, with whom I made a research travel through the south of Italy, were nominated for a National Italian Award. I was really surprised to receive an acknowledgement for the more or less invisible work which I do.
Already for more than 20 years I have done clearance work for the earth. During the first years I was not much aware of what I was doing and did not understand why I was physically so effected when I visited sacred sites in and outside Europe.
Slowly I started to understand that by meeting the energies at specific spots, by giving it attention, something was quite often freed that could give joy or emotion, but also a lot of times all the so-called negative elements were coming out, which were swallowed by the earth through the ages by brutal human behaviour.
Especially now, in these transformative times, both the earth and mankind need to be safeguarded against all those dual dark forces formed through thousands of years.
The coincidence was that during our travel in spring we were invited by a collegue/writer of my travel friend Selma Sevenhuijsen to visit Ceccano.
During our guided visit in Ceccano we came in contact with those special Megalithic stone-circles in the woods outside Ceccano. I wrote an article about this in one of the last Nu.1 magazines called "Living stones".
Apparently that visit was enough for the "Premio Cronache del Mistero 2016".
I see it as an appreciative smile from the Universe, an Award for more than 20 years work on the many places all over the world and funnily enough, not much in Italy.
However, I did understand that to receive the award was not the main reason; there was more "work" awaiting, especially in Rome. And that became true.
Our first and last night of the four days visit we stayed in Rome. The reason why, you will read partly in my speech below, which I read in my best Italian and which was not as scientific as most of the speeches of the other award-winners, but meant to focus on why we are right now living on planet Earth.
My speech after receiving the award in Ceccano
I feel very honoured to receive this reward, Il Premio Nazionale Cronache del Mistero 2016.
For me it is also a recognition for making the invisible, visible.
Many times I travelled to Italy and visited many italian towns, but most of all Rome. However, this spring, it was the first time that, together with friend and colleague Selma Sevenhuijsen, I visited Ceccano.
The last 20 years I have been to many sacred sites in the world, from China, Tibet Egypt to South and Central America. But I specially feel a strong connection with the Celtic countries, like Scotland, Ireland, and Cornwall, where I did a lot of research.
I learned that when I feel attracted to a certain spot, without knowing why, I have to go there. If I start thinking about "why I have to go there", then I feel quite often resistance. In all those years I discovered that I do energetic clearance work. To discover this was not that easy. As my physical body quite often reacts heavily on a spot to which I am drawn , or even reacts on spots where I coincidently happen to be. It shows itself in energy-loss, feeling dizzy or sick, or even an emotion of sadness comes up.
In such cases I discover that that spot was asking attention or that negative energies were showing themselves, or that lost souls wanted to be freed. For a long time I did not realize this.
However, now I do know my body is telling me there is work to be done.
Through all those experiences I have had the fullest confidence in my "knowing" in the moment. By following that, by staying away from fear and by not thinking too much, I know how to act.
On those moments I feel the connection with Source, which gives me direction.
The interesting thing is that always afterwards, the confirmation comes either by synchronicity, stories being told or channeled messages.
I also feel that there is a reason for my unexpected return to Italy.
Of course an important reason is this honourable reward and recognition here in Ceccano. However, there is more. I had to return to Rome to reconnect with the Egyptian obelisks. I know that in Rome stand eight ancient Egyptian obelisks and five Roman obelisks of a later date.
The most important one is standing in the middle of the St. Pieter-square in front of the Vatican.
As I work with earth energies I feel attracted to these accupuncture-points on earth, not only in Rome, but also in Paris, London, Istanbul and Washington. They are cosmic sun-dials, connectors between heaven and earth.
There must have been a special reason to transport these powerful monuments from Egypt to Rome.
I also came to realize that in ancient times invisible manipulative field were created on and outside the earth to control mankind.
It is time now to change this negative influence to a positieve energy; an energy to which those and other instruments were originally meant.
Many books are written, which awaken us and give us insight. However, also spoken of are "the books of light", containing information, which you can only "read" when you are connected to the right frequency. There is a language inside of us which is universal, the entrance to the Inner-knowing. This is the road from heart to brain.
Quantum space, the Zero-point, is like the Atom of All, not outside us, but within. We only have to be silence and listen.
There is another energetic language, I make use of and that is the Mandala.
Drawing in the circle of infinity creates a picture that shows me an energy, which explain itself afterwards. The theme quite often is a journey just made, or a sudden thought that becomes the centre point. From there the story will enfold.
As an example, I have brought 3 mandalas which are connected with Rome, the Vatican and the 2-tailed mermaid, the Pantheon, the old mother-goddess temple and the Obelisk on the St.Pieter-square.
After all we can only reach our goal by co-creation. We all follow different paths and have different interests and passions.
But in these times of chaos, of great changement on earth and in the universe all those creations, inspired writings and memories come together again.
The "field" will be filled, not only with knowledge, but also with Inner-knowing and love for human beings, and the Earth.
Especially now it is so important to follow your inner-voice, to listen to your heart and then connect to the brain to manifest.
One can "trust something or somebody in the blind"; that mostly comes from a feeling and not from thinking. Like they say, it is a gut feeling.
Gaya, our earth, is the wise mother with the knowledge of all times. By honouring her she will give us all her secrets.
There is visible work, translated in film or books, there is invisible work. Both find its way in the field of Ascension, the path to the New Earth.
Now in this international gathering we put our gifts on the table and celebrate that we have come together on this important spot in Italy, Ceccano.
My sincere thanks and appreciation goes to the initiative of Il Punto sul Mistero to acknowledge us and to bring us national and international together.