Midwinter : vitality and time management for the soul

by: Helena Kwaaitaal


Midwinter : the longest night of the year. The Christmas holidays will soon follow.

It is a period with many  activities: finishing work, Christmas shopping , going out with the family and Christmas dinner.

At the same time these days are connected by a natural rhythm. This rhythm is asking
us to take some rest and connect to our inner peace.  I enjoy walking  outside through nature that is in its most inward state. Or I sit in front of the fire that seems to burn endlessly. Listening to the sounds of  beautiful  music and I light a candle that gives a beautiful glow in the room. 


With this natural rhythm I let go all thoughts and actions that lead to results, strategies, planning. Then in the light of the fire, the candle or the Christmas lights is a reflection of my inner light.

This is what I call ‘time management for the soul’: taking time for something essential in me. Time management for the soul means to give attention to our deepest essence , connected with the rhythm of the seasons.


Taking care of your vital body and mind during Midwinter has its own special energy. In the pre-Christian tradition people called this period ‘Joel time’, it is a time of twelve holy nights. In German Christmas is called ‘Weihnachten’ (devoted nights). It is a time in which the length of the days  don’t seem to grow and the wheel of life seems to be frozen.

In this deep place of relaxation , rest and stillness we can connect to an autonomous stream of life. This might seem scary in a society that prefers goal oriented and result oriented actions. There is nothing wrong with this type of action. To me it is just doesn’t fit this time of year.


These twelve devoted nights serve us by strengthening our trust in this autonomous[don’t know what she means here] stream of life, in the way things go.  If we surrender to this female (yin) principle some small seeds can evolve. Later in the coming year, when the strength of the sun is growing, the male principle (yang) can do its job in realising these seeds.


I love to take  rest, find my inner peace and connect to this autonomous stream of life at this time of the year . And on the ‘outside’ I have these Christmas activities and upcoming fireworks. At this time I like to ask myself some questions within the shine of my inner light.


What makes me feel thankful?
What was my ‘harvest’
in 2014?
Which of this ‘harvest’
have nourished my soul, my inner essence?

What is still hurting me?
What does not suit me any more? 

What would I like to leave behind?
(These can be feelings, illusions, unreal and useless thoughts and convictions, relationships, tasks and activities)


As I said these twelve devoted nights are a time of silence and reflection. And for me also a time for doing simple down- to- earth things, letting time go by while enjoying gathering with family and friends and knowing that I made some bucket lists to do during free days and knowing that the bucket list will still be there  in the new year. No problem. Production and results in every field are not always necessary.

Intentions for the new year and plans for action don’t need to be made. According to the natural rhythm  of this time of year it is not possible yet. The only thing you can ‘do’ is to be receptive, to be open for new seeds coming up. These new seeds can be wishes, longings, desires, ideas for the coming year. I write them down, keep them to myself and cherish them as possible seeds of something new.

After January 15
th I take a new look at these little notes. Then I can feel if these seeds want to grow  ‘through me’, through my essence in the new year. And when the sun is gaining its strength you and I will gain power and vitality to create and realise those things that really fit our souls in 2015.

I wish you beautiful soul creations!




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