Winter Solstice ↓

by: Agnes van de Beek

This article is written on the 6th of December, the day of the full moon. 

In two weeks time it will be new Moon, the day after the winter solstice, the 21st of December. At this moment the atmosphere of the earth is hit by solar flares, high speed solar winds, quite often causing the aurora borealis in the Nordic countries. This energy not only effects the earth, it is also very noticeable for a lot of people. We are invited to stay within ourselves, like staying in our own invisible temple while living our daily lives.

It feels as if we are climbing an inter dimensional stair, step by step, but all the time we have to return in our 3D world to anchor all those energies. 

We have chosen to manifest ourselves here, on planet earth, connected with the earth, so we cannot "un-earth" ourselves.


I feel the importance of the equinoxes, when light and dark are equal and the solstices, where either the light or the darkness overrules.

This year the solstice takes place on the fourth day of the Advent.

Advent means "arrival", we are on the way to something or somebody. Jesus was also named the God of the Sun, just like the Egyptian Sun God Horus, who was also born from a virgin on the winter solstice, just like in ancient times the Greek God Dionysus and the Persian God Mithra.

Solstice is the birth of the "divine Son", the birth of Divinity.


At the moment of the solstice there is a "standstill"; after which the sun changes directions. The Latin word Solstitium means to stop the Sun.

In early times those moments were celebrated. The sun, the source of all light and life as centre point of cosmic spirituality. This knowledge is timeless and from all times, also celebrated by the old Egyptians, the Essenes, the Hindus, the Mayas and the Incas. The sun is the source from which all creation comes.

Christ was born during the winter solstice and died and resurrected 

during the spring equinox. Those moments feel like entering a cosmic gate. It  becomes a moment, in cooperation with the universe, with our sun, of activation. This is a way to connect with the higher frequencies.

In ancient time the sacred spots on our earth showed the connection with our sun. For example in New Grange in Ireland on the morning of the winter solstice the rising sun enters literately through a small opening above the main entrance into a 19 meters long passage which ends in the inner chamber, which has the shape of a cross and lights up that spot for 17 minutes.

Years ago I visited New Grange during the summer time, we entered the dark passage and our group was standing on the length of the cross in pitch dark.

To demonstrate what in reality is happening on the 21st of December, the passage was artificially lit. Although the entering of the light of the rising sun was copied, it went through me as a shock and I could "feel" the light coming in.

Other sacred places connected with the sun are of course the Great Pyramide in Gizah, but also Stonehenge, Chitzen Itza in Mexico and many others in the world.

Gaya asks us now in these times of great change to reconnect on the equinoxes and the solstices in ceremony with the creative energy of our sun in connection with the great central sun and the whole universe.

We are creating our own future! 

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Winter Solstice

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