Change your Base↓

by: Katharina Brinckmeier

In this time we become more and more aware of the consistency of our body, thinking and feeling. Though we know this,  we live largely pretty one-sided yet, so out of balance. We move too little, think too much and listen too little to our hearts. Awareness of ourselves, our feelings, thoughts and learn to apply mindfulness  are ‘’hot’’.  But can you imagine that your physical posture and movements are of substantial influence on how you feel as well? 

Many in our society suffer from depression, rejection, insecurity and so on.  I also have known these phases in my life and my posture was anything but straight up: head hanging a bit forward, hanging in my lower back, a thick and painful neck with a life feeling of gloom, uncertain and literally tired of myself. 

It sounds unlikely, but I've personally experienced within my own body that, by means of a small conversion to my basis, i.e. in my feet, my posture, my sense, physical attitude complaints, my energy and also my appearance changed positively nearly overnight. Compared to all my years of suffering from physical complaints that was nearly unbelievable!

I want to share a short story, written by a client of mine to illustrate that my story is anything but unique. Her story could also be your story. 


Experience story of Isabel Roffelsen (18 years):

''The problem with my knees started around my puberty. Ever since that time I could no longer continue my sports and the daily tasks were getting more complicated to do.

The doctor said it was normal and it would pass, but it did not.

Nothing showed on an MRI scan, but there was clearly something going on.

At wits end, we have asked Katharina for help. She taught me to stand in a different way and she explained exactly to me why this was better.

Since I have been doing the exercises, my knees do not hurt anymore.

If Katharina not had helped me, I would still have walked around today with physical complaints. For all people who suffer from their feet or knees and could not get helped by their physician, I can certainly recommend to make an appointment with Katharina!


Every time I witness with awe the changes that are taking place in the people I assist.
 I have known for a long time that your body,  feelings, thinking and energy, together with your soul are a holistic coherent whole. But the fact that there is a link that has a huge impact between the above and the physical aspect in the anatomy, namely the position of the feet,  I did not know until I experienced it myself. 

What happens at the physical level:
fuzzy posture complaints, bad posture, cold hands and feet, poor flow of your body energy and (wear) of your musculoskeletal system complaints such as pain in your feet, knee, hip (o.a. pelvic instability), lower back pain and stiff neck simply disappear. 

Less posture complaints, more energy flow, better body feeling and consciousness, greater vitality and an attractive ' body-look '! 

But ... this is not all, though this is quite something! Even your feeling changes positively. As I said, your posture and how you move affects your feeling. But still, I am always surprised, how it is possible, that it's only a small change of the position of your feet  can result in substantial changes in ones gait.
Even your thinking is quieter and a sense of inner stability and a look of awake presence and authenticity extends. This you can immediately feel and will strengthen you as you continue in this process. You're going to experience the greater development of this, in essence a synergistic process. You  get aligned more from your microcosm (your body, thinking and feeling in our 3D world) with the macrocosm. By that I mean the Earth and the cosmos. Through growing towards a complete harmony of the fields around you on micro and macro level, a more direct connection with your higher self is possible. It seems a universal phenomenon because, as to my surprise, each time my clients describe similar experiences. 

Would you like to know how you can accomplish these changes yourself, to come into balance from your base up? 

Read more about this on my website:

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Change your Base

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