Yoonity ↓

by: Francisca Wegdam

For the biggest part, at least 75% I live in the Pyrenees in close harmony to nature. I live without electricity and streaming water in a garden like house from 4x5m not isolated. The branches out of the forest keeps me and my little home warm and the sun heats my water in a solar oven. This simplicity and going back to basics makes me really feel free, in contact with the elements and nature. The other part I live in Amsterdam when I visit my two lovely sons. During this last stay in Amsterdam, just before the upcoming sun eclipse I got an urge to create a ’World days of love and unity’. This is the result for an invitation I wrote to humanity:


Y O O N I T Y 

WORLD days of love and oneness celebrate being fully human: spiritual ánd sexual


Be part of the cosmic orgasm

20th, 21st en 22nd of June 2015 


Dear sisters and dear brothers, I am just one human being, a woman connected to all of you. This is my gift. I share my fruit, my wisdom with you. Because I can not do differently. This is what I am, what I see and wish to create: 3 days of love and oneness on this planet for the Earth, for humanity and for me. This is so easy to do. Because we are love and oneness. Anyone can do it. No investments are needed. If we manage three days of love and oneness we will experience a smooth transformation of the Earth. This time will probably be our three best days of our lives. This is an invitation for you to celebrate together love an oneness.


—- W O R L D  of  Y O O N I T Y —-


Earth is a planet of love and oneness. 

I am love and oneness. You are love and oneness. We are love and oneness. I sometimes forget it… The Earth reminds me that paradise is here and now. Not only because she is so amazingly beautiful but she is feeding me unconditionally without judgement from the day on I arrived on this planet. She brings me back to love and oneness. I haven’t seen so many gouvernement or leaders doing this. The Earth supports me and all living beings with me over and over again. Therefor my thrust is in her, in nature and also in humans.


Never ever on this planet has been so much unity as now

I realize that 7,3 billion humans on this planet came forth out of unity, out of a sexual act between a man and a woman becoming one. We all are the result of a merging of opposites. We unite these opposites in ourself. We are the living prove that oneness exist and is present all the time. I have never seen a person being divide in a men and a woman after being merged. It is just not possible! I am one! Yes, with you, you and you! We are one together with 7,3 billion people. We are connected like a mushroom.


Experience the biggest orgasm ever by celebratelove and oneness.

This was my very happy visions of last week.

When the sun disappears, because the moon is standing in front of the sun, the cosmic orgasm of the Earth and of all humanity is starting. Imagine, if you believe it or not, it is already fun to think about, that we came to this planet in this timeline to celebrate and to witness this orgasmic climax of the Earth. How? By joining in on the orgasmic vibration where the Earth is going through. By making love, acting as fully humans and feeling our connection towards each other and all that lives on this planet. This way we support the Earth to go through her transformation to a new frequency.  We, being part of the Earth, evolve to the next frequency as well and become fully human. Every jump in energy is orgasmic.


Acting fully human.

I want to be naked, without a mask, innocent like when I was born!  I want to drop everything what is man-made. Drop our religion and cultural masks. A family name is of no importance, states and color neither. Even a border is man-made and is just imaginary. We see each other as brothers and sisters from one cosmic family, totally equal. 


Let us start with just three days being worthy being human.

Imagine how the world would look like…

If we do not realize oneness and love today, we will tomorrow


When disappears the sun?

Friday the 20th Mars there is a sun eclipse.This has an impact on the ritme of light and dark on the Earth, this is the start of the cosmic orgasm.


When is the climax of the cosmic orgasm?

It is on the North side of the equinox on the longest day, on the 21st of June 2015 is de climax. The turning point where we move from the day with maximum of light towards the darker days. On the South side of the equinox it is the turning point of the darkest day towards the lighter days.


How can we participate in this cosmic orgasm?

I only can see how I would participate…:


I claim my birth right, be fully human, drop my masks and all that is artificial .

I start the 20th, 21st en 22nd of June 2015 to make love all day, to myself, others or the Earth, including every one. Love never excludes no one!


I eat for three days fruits and veggies which are directly given by the Earth

I choose the highest qualities. I deserve it! I make myself light as a feather. Meat, fish, milk or eggs are not given to us by the Earth. We have been taking it. If I consume these I become one with for example meat. So partial I am the animal I have eaten and I become less human. I become heavy in my energy. So I just eat light during these three days.


Be free! 

I free myself of thoughts, assumptions and obligations like school or work. What distinguish us from animals are our thoughts. This is the highest gift given to humanity. We are able to create everything we want. Simply by focusing our thoughts we start creation by intention. So let us use our thoughts wisely, respectful and playful… and create these days of love and oneness!


I am creative and responsible of my actions! 

I act and create out of love and oneness. I am a creator! Not a copier. I create with nature. I just start my creation I always dreamed of. Everybody can do this. If my action is not out of love or oneness than I am not acting at all. 


I am grateful!

Grateful for everything the Earth has been giving us. Grateful for all the beautiful people around me. In each of them I recognize a teacher who thought me all lessons and brought me up till this moment.


I am nature and follow the natural flow.

I get up with sunrise and celebrate this new day. Turn inwards as the darkness arrives. Imagine if we wouldn’t use electricity during these three days what an immense peace covers the Earth. Three days without electro smog. I imagine that it will be easy to come in the same orgasmic vibration.


I honor my human outfit, my body, my temple. 

In this temple is the grail, the holy of holiness. The point where I am connected to everyone and the point from where I can create the highest. Where I can feel my life force and understand what its purpose is. I let my heart speak. I be guided and thrust my inner wisdom that I am complete and perfect. I stay out of movement, listen to my body, experience the pleasure when I surrender to the cosmic orgasmic wave. I feel the pleasure when everyone around me is in this energy of love and oneness.

What is happening after this period of love and happiness?

We as humans have the power of the free will to continue or just to move back to "normal".


What is in the name Yoonity?

Yoonity means: Yoni+Unity

Yoni is Sanskrit: योनि  literally  "vagina" or "womb".

Yoni is the symbol of the Goddess Shakti/Devi, the Hindu Divine Mother.


—- S T A T E M E N T  of  Y O O MAN I T Y —-

for at least three days: 20th, 21st en 22nd of June 2015


I like myself


I follow nature and my natural ritme


I master my thoughts, my habits and my actions


I create happiness, oneness and love


I thrust my inner wisdom and the wisdom of the Earth


I forgive myself and others


I love unconditionally, myself and all that is alive


Yes, I want to be part of the cosmic orgasm of the Earth !


I as a woman alone (all-one) I can make a start with a world from love and oneness, for at least three days! Together we are strong and we will become stronger. If you think this is a beautiful dream and you see the possibility that this can become reality, would you like to help with sharing this visions among your friends and familie? I would be most grateful to you! Probably I will meet you soon in the field of love and oneness.




This text will shortly be available on the new website: www.YOONITY.world

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