
by: Mimi Roffelsen

Many people ask me why I started voice-toning. 

Years ago I moved house because I felt I had to be close to the sea. At the sea the voice-toning started. Over the years it has become more than a passion and it is a serious part of my life nowadays.


Sometimes I experience an, energetic, connection with the Hathors.

When I voice-tone in nature or on stage I never know beforehand what is going to happen, sound wise. There is only a strong urge to do this, which means that there is this connection and I have to express the sounds I feel.


Voice-toning, in this spontaneous way, becomes more and more popular. I can see the growing number of workshops. In combination with conscious breathing it is a fast and natural way not only to express feelings, but to transform them as well. 

Things that at first seem difficult to talk about, are easier to express and share with others after voice-toning. Because it releases the use of the voice as well as feelings that have been touched. Literally things have been shaken loose by your own sound frequencies. There can be many reasons why there is an emotional block to use the voice in a free and spontaneous way. As mentioned before, voice-toning can be used to undo blockades in a fast and natural way.


When I voice-tone with a group of people, I also resonate with the sounds created by the group, therefore strengthening the energy of the group. 


People who live in nature, have a cultural richness in voice-toning which has resulted in all kinds of songs. Take a look at the Carnival of Brazil, a country where a lot of misery is rooted and yet being transformed in strong and happy music.

We can even show our gratitude to the Earth by voice-toning. It also creates a harmonious feeling within ourselves.

It connects people and brings pleasure.


There is undisputed scientific evidence that voice-toning has a great healing effect.


And making sounds … we all can do it.


Just try to voice-tone when you are alone and in a quiet place. You may be surprised by your own sounds. And of course the sounds are always different because we are constantly in motion and every second is a new one.

It confirms your true self and makes a more intensive connection with your soul.

It may sound strange, but we really have our own authentic soul voice.


So … take your chance and try it!



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