by: Erica de Kat Angelino


Friend and I create essences at the request of and in co-operation with various elemental beings. The goal of these essences is to (re)connect with the wisdom, insights and joy of the elemental beings. In this way we can work in unity towards a deeper, more responsible and more loving relationship in respect of the New Earth, the cosmos and all beings living on and in it. Thus supporting the elemental beings in their transformation process and ascension, that of the Earth and eventually our transformation and ascension process.

In total 5 sets of 7 essences will be created. Meanwhile, the first set of 7 essences has been completed.


Despite the close co-operation, all the beautiful things that occur during the making of the essences and the sheer fun in doing it, I sometimes still doubt the importance of the essences. Should I continue creating them? Is it really of the utmost importance? Recently, all these doubts were haunting me again.


The next set of essence will be about the wisdom and insights of the beings of Inner Earth. Beings that only recently crossed my path. Is my connection with them deep enough to be able to prepare the essences at this moment?

My contact with the elemental beings ‘on’ the Earth has been a long lasting one. But my relationship with the beings of Inner Earth …. In short, I thought I can always ask a question. In the presence of friend, I asked if it was really the intention to create the essences together with the beings of Inner Earth this year and could they please give me some clues.

About half an hour later a mutual acquaintance passed friend’s apartment, totally unexpected. Not so long ago this lovely lady gave me a beautiful stone from Cornwall that has a strong connection with Inner Earth. Well, that confirmation did not take long. I was overwhelmed, but could not stop smiling.


After this lady left, friend and I went to see an open studio route. In the first studio we visited, there was an artist that was completely touched by the fact that we loved nature so much. Spontaneously we started to talk about elemental beings and the essences. She was even more delighted. I had to write down the address of one of her friends. This particular lady has been co-creating with the elemental beings her entire life. Oh,those rascally elemental beings. Again the importance of the essences was confirmed.

Studio number 2 had a surprise for us in store as well. Friend is always vocally toning and has a strong connection with the Hathors. All of a sudden I saw a beautiful wooden sculpture of an Egyptian lady that had strong Hathor features. Next to this sculpture, sitting on a shelf, was a booklet  ‘Rhymes of Gnome Land’. Right in between the sculpture and the booklet was a piano with a note saying: ‘playing allowed’. Buffoons, these elemental beings. Maybe it was a hint for friend and I to be a little more playful the next time creating an essence.

At studio number 3 we had a profound discussion with the artist who, while the elemental beings also came up in the conversation, started to talk about her grandmother who always told her stories about goblins and elves when she was young. She remembered that she once told her classmates that she had a special house gnome. Unfortunately she was ridiculed by her classmates, which resulted in her loss of faith in elemental beings. I suggested to her to put something nice out (like fruit juice or biscuits) for the elemental beings. In this way she might again open the door to them. While watching films in this lady’s studio, friend became totally inspired: ‘how cool would it be if we could make a film through which people could experience elemental beings. My head was working overtime. What a great idea to be able to show children in school such a film. Fifteen minutes of amazement and what a great way to calm themselves.


Enough confirmation for a lifetime in just one afternoon. Yes, my darlings we will continue to create essences with you. Playful, serious but above all without any doubt.



Elemental Beings and The Magic of Creation

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